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    °ü¸®ÀÚ                                            2012-07-12 14:52:31
   [World Declaration] ICOLD _ ¼¼°è¼±¾ð¹® äÅÃ

DownLoad : World Declaration[ICOLD2012].pdf   ´Ù¿î : 110 ȸ

Áö³­ 6¿ù 5ÀÏ ÀϺ» ÄìÅä¿¡¼­ °³ÃÖµÈ ±¹Á¦´ë´ïȸ(ICOLD) 24Â÷ ÃÑȸ¿¡¼­
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- ÁÖ      Á¦: 'Áö¼Ó °¡´É °³¹ßÀ» À§ÇÑ ¹°±×¸©' (Water Storage for Sustainable Development)
- Çù¾à±â°ü: ±¹Á¦´ë´ïȸ(ICOLD), ±¹Á¦°ü°³¹è¼öÀ§¿øȸ(ICID), ±¹Á¦¼ö·ÂÇùȸ(IHA), ±¹Á¦¼öÀÚ¿øÇùȸ(IWRA)

* ºÙÀÓ: ¼±¾ð¹® Àü¹® 1ºÎ.  ³¡.


Kyoto, June 5th 2012.
During its 24th Congress in Kyoto, Japan, the International Commission on Large Dams issued a
¡°World Declaration on Water Storage for Sustainable Development¡±, also signed by the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Hydropower Association and the International Water Resources Association.
The signers take into account the challenges of the decades to come, because of continuously
increasing demands of water, food and energy that will challenge the natural resources. The Declaration states that ¡°Humanity is facing a more severe water situation than it has ever faced in the
¡± and calls for ¡°Joint efforts to develop water storage infrastructure in a sustainable way.¡±


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